My training centre has been sort of a sanctuary for me. Sanctuary incidentally in both ways. In one way, it has been a place where I can seek shelter from boredom (I thought that I had shelter, but immediately realised my grave mistake). In another way, it has been a place where I could observe the working human species (homo worko sapiens), in their natural habitat. I confess that my opinion about the species is far from good. Doing the same work all day long, is for robots or machines in my opinion. If I was there only for a few hours, then they would have undoubtedly shown their professional side,but being their for the entire day, they must have decided to drop the act. C'mon, how long can a person keep up an act?!! So I could witness the Behind the Scenes action, the timed work, the untimed breaks, the small fights and of course, the inevitable boss-bashing. It has really been a learning experience for me about what to expect and what not to expect from work. Sort of makes me want to retire straight after studies. But what to do, stomach has to be filled! Expecting better from my job, when I get one (God knows when !).
Thats all Folks
PS My first completely solved crossword. Hip hip hurray!!!
Good luck finding that perfect workplace. I thought I had found one, but company did not last long!
And congrats on the crossie:)
Nice description on work place.You have described almost everything observable at workplace.Short pleasures at short breaks and the inevitable arguments that take place,you can't avoid any of this i guess.
Kudos on solving HC yet again
This seems to be an advice to the likes of me for the future. To find the perfect work-place is a luxury indeed; most people do end up dissatisfied.
You have incited my interest for crosswords. But as I said, I tend to give up after a while when the going gets unnaturally tough!
Udaranimiththam bahukritha vesham
It is our destiny, my dear friend. You have a consolation- it is the same for all...
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