Friday, July 17, 2009

The Road goes Ever On and On

College is beckoning and the seemingly endless holidays are drawing to a close. As much as I enjoy college life, there is a sad feeling on thinking of stupid timetables, washing your own clothes and in short being responsible for yourself (The second one never fails to evoke a groan). The first time at the college was particularly sad. The warmth of my mother's hug where I always secure, father's presence where there becomes nothing to worry about as it will always be solved, and my little sister with whom I fight every single moment but whom I can't let anyone else hurt, all were part of my first journey to the college. Well all this went into the backseat of my mind after the first few days, the "making friends" period, but it will always remain there. Though all this sounds cliched, it is true nevertheless. I guess this is all part of the "Growing Up". A big part of my heart wishes that I was back to my school days, where the only thing that was to be worried about was the next exam. Even now, our lives are relatively sheltered, except that we are away from our parents. But come a day, when every morning has new worries, new bills to pay, then maybe college life will seem heavenly. Well, one can't really blame a human for always wanting something which he doesn't have, its only human. The same forlorn feeling has come back to haunt me though it will be my third year into college. But leaving sentimental matters aside, this year is going to be the year when the future will be decided, whether I will be just another casualty to recession or a young man with a bright future. Of course placements come only next year but the buildup to it is important. Working hard seems to be the only option available, something which I incidentally despise, but what else can be done. This is a short farewell to blogosphere as once in college, I leave Roci behind and have to wait till I get a laptop, which I hope is quite soon. Or else I have to turn to my roomies who I trust will be "Friends in need...". Finishing my adieu with the great words of a great man...

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with weary feet,
Until it joins some larger way,
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

That's all folks

PS: My blog seems to be chokeful of cliches but what to do...


The Analyst said...

Another nice one,Damu,reminded me a lot of the road ahead,casting a shadow of ambiguity over the final destination it leads to and the path to be taken on getting there.

Got a little too comfortable in the vacations and for that reason....this one's an eye opener.

DAMU said...

Thank you, I hope our third year will be a walk to remember. But you can't say you were too comfortable in a vacation, that is the whole point of it . According to Wordweb,
Vacation: Leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure.

The Analyst said...

That would be the case when the vacation was for a short period or so I guess...for this long a period one might be expected to do something .Anyway, point taken.

Lonely traveller said...

Whenever I read your blogs, I feel like you are reading it out aloud giving proper stress at required places.. And it is good to read your rants... Best wishes for the road ahead

Arun said...

Beautiful post Damu. With our leisurely sojourn coming to an end, its time to pack our bags and set off to toil and slog again. The road ahead might be difficult, full of pitholes; but a smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. Let us embark on the journey- it promises to be the next big adventure in our gloriously uncertain lives.

And please continue posting after going back. Blogosphere would be poorer without you.

DAMU said...

Thank you Arun, I will definitely try to blog even from college. Hard work is in the offing and may fate be with us.

Varma chetta, not exactly sure what you meant. Hope it was a compliment. But I hope you will continue to read my blogs and give your valuable if sometimes indecipherable comments

ashwinhari said...

and here is that "friend in need" ,ur room mate dude!!!!!