Sunday, January 9, 2011

A New Year Resolution

If writing was a skill and poetry was an art,
If your wrote with your hand but put in your heart
Then I will say to you nought
My trust for you will not be bought
With any price whether it be peace or strife
For I cannot write to save my life

I tried and tried and tried and tried
Thought about stuff till I almost cried
Wrote pages and tore them asunder
Decided that writing was a huge blunder
And this becometh the oath that I propose
Come New Year I will not compose

"That seems odd" you might exclaim  
And of course you are not the one to blame
For people commit to stuff they care
And here I am shirking my share
But think twice and you will realise
Breaking resolutions has always been my vice

Is it the case of a double bluff?
Or is it just somebody in a patch so rough
Certainly he has got his job
With chances of earning without having to rob
Even his grades are okay now
And for that my friends I take a bow

But now I am stuck in a bigger hole
Like Liverpool when it bought Joe Cole
Then I sang You will never walk alone
But right now I am in No man's zone
All my writing seems to be in vain
And it always leaves me very much in pain

"Is it something that goes much deeper?
Has he finally met the great Grim Reaper?"
Alas my friends if it was only just that
For this one I could only scream "Drat!"
As my Laptop my precious might kick the bucket
And leave me with my hair that I had plucketh

It served me well and I served it well
Everytime I scored it gave a huge yell
I loved it with every single cell
Saved it from hurt even if I was the one who fell
Thus it is with great sadness that to thee I tell
That I will never buy a laptop which is made by Dell


Unknown said...

good one

Common Damu, you can't complaint that poor thing of yours, your Dell...
Definitely, I reckon, its over worked. Give it a chance please

Varun said...

Yeah ...give it a second chance ..