Friday, November 19, 2010

Mysteries of Life

The four years that I have spent in college has been a very enlightening experience. Multilingual, multicultural people and all that shit. One great thing that I have learnt is to talk to perfect strangers. A great way to kickstart a conversation, particularly during meal time is to complain about the food, and mention in passing that you have had a better experience at home. That is all that is needed for nine out of ten people to start reminiscing about the fond memories that they have had with home food. The cooking virtues of their mothers are then expounded upon in such detail that you feel duty bound to notify the people organising "Top Chef" that they need search no further, "Gentlemen we have our winner here". Even extremely good food joints are rubbished when compared to the awesomeness of their mother's food. "Dude, eat my mom's dosa. Then Saravana Bhavan will feel bad to you". Call me racist but the most susceptible people to this trickery are Tamil Brahmins.Just mention good food and then expositions of filter coffee, dosa, pongal, mysore pak("its Mysore for God's sake"), and the millions of types of Sadams will follow. Americans will be scared by the existence of so many Saddams, sambar saddam, curd saddam etc etc etc. Okay bad joke.

Doesn't anyones' father make food? My dad makes kickass payasam("here I begin"), better than mom. What is the secret behind "Ma ke haath ka khana"? Why does all food have to be compared with it. I guess it will remain one of the great mysteries of  life. Will 42 solve it? Many a domestic tiffs might have happened due to the unfair comparison of perfectly good food made by ones' better half to the grand old lady. I guess I will tell my wife," don't worry, our progenies will exhalt the greatness in your cooking".
Aah!!! POM makes me do everything else :)


Lonely traveller said...

Hilarious!! :)

I was thinking you had gone mad until I read the last line.

"Exams always tend to boost one's creativity" - Quotable quote by Yours truly.

Unknown said...

An interesting read, as always :)

I wouldn't dare to say my mom cooks the best food, but (me being a HARDCORE non-veg) she's the only one who wouldn't be surprised to see me eat an entire chicken for dinner :D