Sunday, June 28, 2009

Questions and Answers

Like the mercury levels in my beloved Delhi, the boredness levels in La Palakkad scaled new peaks during the last week and it is expected to rise even more. There is something about being bored that brings out the best in a person and he digs deep into his creativity to escape his plight. But Yours Truly has defied this convention and has slept more and more. It is during these sleep-induced stupors that I became philosophical and began wondering why I am doing all this. I desperately wanted an answer. But then I read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and my whole viewpoint changed. Douglas Adams has pointed out in a rather hilarious way that instead of searching for answers to everything, we should first search for the proper questions. He has ridiculed how everyone wants the Ultimate Answer without knowing the Ultimate Question. An answer, however elegantly phrased, is incomplete without the right question. Mr Adams imagines the earth to be a gigantic computer aimed at finding the UQ. His point of view that human beings are the real guinea-pigs in this universal experiment is quite reasonable. The UQ has to be reached at by asking smaller significant questions on the way. It is this ability to ask questions that make humans what they are. A child asks questions to everthing,but as we grow up we ask lesser and lesser questions, thereby losing our way to the UQ. Our pride and other petty feelings come in the way of our natural curiosity and block our path. Those who ask questions throughout their lives become great.

Quoting Marvin,"It's funny how just when you think life just can't possibly get any worse it suddenly does." All that philosophy has made me even more bored. I do have to brighten up.



Arun said...

Brilliant Damu. I agree whole-heartedly; it is natural to be inquisitive and curbing that questioning instinct makes us less human. Adams is of course correct, and I have been searching for the UQ for a long time. It continues to elude me, just as it has my ancestors.

Maya said...

Be happy to be so bored & so jobless. If not for that, you would not be coming up such deep fundas of life. Waiting to hear more pearls of wisdom from this 'vanavaas'.